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How to Deal with Unpaid Child Support

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How can you enforce an unpaid child support debt?

To avoid conflict, you can send a letter of demand to the paying parent who owes the unpaid child support debt.

Address the letter to the paying parent who owes the child support debt and provide them with an opportunity to pay the debt in full or to make an arrangement to pay the debt.

Your letter must provide the paying parent who owes the child support debt with at least 14 days to respond.

Keep a copy of the letter and keep a record of when it was sent.

Recovering the child support through Human Services

There are powers under legislation to recover overdue child support. This can be done through:

  • income support payment deductions
  • enforcing tax return lodgment or intercepting tax refunds
  • working with third parties
  • employer or bank account deductions
  • issuing overseas travel bans
  • litigation
  • prosecution.

Through these powers child support can be collected for the benefit of the children.
Read more about child support here or visit Human Services.

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